Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Room 408 Expectations

We are in the process of representing our Hopes & Dreams in Room 408.  We have also been talking about what we want it to be like when we work, learn, and play together this year.  We brainstormed ideas such as helping others, no pushing, finding your best learner spot, etc.  Then we sorted these ideas into three easy categories to help us remember our expectations:  I can take care of myself, I can take care of others, and I can take care of our place.

We also learned a fun new poem today, and the kids made up motions to go with it:

We ended the day with activity time.  This is a time when we explored the art materials in the room and learned about the care and clean up of these materials.
At the end of the day we shared our creations.  Check out these proud faces!

What did you like best about your project?

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