Sunday, February 25, 2018

Inferring with Eloise Greenfield

One of our deep thinking strategies during Reading Workshop is inferring.

We infer when we use our schema (what we think we know)...
...and add it together with clues that we find in the words and pictures of books we are reading.
That is inferring!

We read the poem Things by Eloise Greenfield from the book Honey, I Love.
We read the poem a few times, and then thought deeply about it, stanza by stanza.  In the first stanza we inferred that she ate the candy.

The second stanza we each inferred what happened to the sandhouse and wrote about it.

Here is what we inferred happened to the sandhouse!

The last stanza is:

Went to the kitchen
Lay down on the floor
Made me a poem
Still got it
Still got it

What do you infer about the last stanza?

We're Amazing!

One of our favorite songs is "I'm Amazing" by Keb Mo.

During Reading Workshop we thought deeply about the book Amazing Grace by Mary Hoffman.
We made text-to-life connections and wrote about how we are amazing.

Room 408 is amazing!

Organizing Our Teaching Books

In Writing Workshop we are working on putting on our teaching voice and writing teaching books.  We are getting so good that we are moving into making our teaching books into chapter books!  We are using a Table of Contents to chunk up our teaching topics and organize our teaching books. 

We're writing more than ever!