Monday, September 20, 2021

Equity and Equality

I am trying to help Room 408 realize that we are all different learners.

We have different goals.
We have different needs.
We have different brains.

That doesn't mean one is better than another, but it just means that some need different kinds of support.

I helped them understand this with a band-aid lesson.

First, someone shares a story about when they hurt their elbow. I put a band-aid on their elbow.
Then, someone shares a story about when they hurt their knee. I put a band-aid on their elbow.
Finally, someone shares a story about when they bumped their head. I put a band-aid on their elbow.

By this time the kids get a bit confused. Then I tell them that even though I gave everyone the same thing in the exact same way, it didn't help all of them.

What I did was treat everyone equally. But to be fair, everyone doesn't get the same thing...fair means that everyone gets what they need to be successful.

Finally, I share this picture:

This sparks a great conversation about how because our brains and/or bodies are different, we may need different things to help us be successful.

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