We only have a few days before school starts, and I'm here alone in my classroom thinking about and planning some of the great things we will do together this year. I can't do too much planning until you all get here and we get to know each other and our hopes and dreams!
Everything is so fresh and new at the beginning of the year and full of possibilities.
I'm always a little nervous on the first day of school.
I sit here and wonder what each one of you will be like and I get excited about the ways we will get smarter this year in first grade.
Feel free to leave your first comment on Room 408's first blog post by answering this question:
What do you hope you will learn about or do in first grade?
You can do this by clicking on the link to the right of where it says, "Posted by Elizabeth Henning". Depending if anyone left any comments the comment link might say, "No comments" or something like, "3 comments." A box will open and you can choose or create a profile/username (I would suggest the username be "Name's mom" or something like that. Please don't forget--no last names!)
I do have to approve each comment so it may be a little while before you can view your own comment.
I hope you're all as excited as I am about our year together.
See you on Tuesday!
Mrs. Henning