Thursday, April 23, 2020

Animal Teachers

Another big idea in our animal inquiry is how some animal parents teach their young skills to survive. Watch these videos to see some animal teachers and animal babies who are learning, and then email, write, or text me the answer to the question at the end of the post!

What kinds of things did you see babies learning?

Monday, April 20, 2020

Candy Inventions

We are reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and I asked the kids what kind of candy they like and what kind of candy they would invent, if they could. Send me your candy inventions on video so we can share!

Look who found two Golden Tickets in her mailbox, today! Thank you Mr.  Caleb and Collin Wonka!

Friday, April 3, 2020

Styrofoam Cups Place Value Activity

Right before school ended in March I had shown the kids an activity using styrofoam cups to show the expanded notation of numbers.

Here is a video showing how to make your own! Our first grade goal is numbers in the 100s, so a cup for ones, tens, and hundreds should be perfect.  However, if you refer to the math guide I gave at conferences, your child may benefit from making one up to the thousands or ten-thousands!