Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Ideas Inspired by Animals

Did you know that a lot of inventions are inspired by animals? Here is the Jan/Feb 2015 article from National Geographic Young Explorer. This is a great family of magazines! Click here to link to National Geographic magazines.

Here is a video that highlights some inventions inspired by animals!

Remember when we studied Jacques Cousteau?
Jacques Cousteau was inspired by underwater creatures when he invented things:

Pick any animal and look for its functional parts. What could you invent?  Make a drawing of your new invention!

The inventions are coming in! I'll post any that are sent to me below:
Forrest invented a new thing from a bird. He says it is called KingFisher robot, and it helps people to fish. The robot uses its beak to pluck fish out of water, and makes it easier for us folks to fish! 

Kaydence invented something to help short kids reach things on high shelves!