Monday, October 13, 2014

Tech-Savvy First Graders

This afternoon Room 408 was introduced to the exciting world of email.  They had so much fun emailing each other back and forth, practicing our reading and writing skills in action.

When we discussed their thoughts and reflections on the possibilities of email, they were bubbling with so many ideas.
"We can send stuff to people are far away!"
"When can we get our parent's email addresses?!?"
"I like getting email."
"What is the difference between texting and email?"
"We should make sure we send emails to lots of different people so no one is left out."
"We will be stronger readers and writers if we email."
And my favorite:  "We can write a sentence to someone instead of walking across the room and talking to them!"  :P

On tomorrow's docket?  Emailing attachments such as screen shots and photos to show evidence of our learning.
What do you think is cool about email?

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