Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Inner Voices

In our Research Workshop we have been busy recording new learning about space in our Research Clubs.  We are now trying really hard to listen to that voice inside our head that reacts when we meet new learning.  Check out our reactions to our new learning about space!
"Amazing: The Luna 1 space craft visited the moon in 1959."

"Mars has the largest canyon in our solar system. Cool!"

"Under the planets, is there ground?"

"The storm [on Jupiter] is twice the size of Earth. What?!?!"

"Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune all have rings. Wow!"

"How does the moon change shape?"

"I didn't know that the moon is bright."

"The sun is exactly at the center of our solar system.  Wow!"

(in black at the top) "The Sun has been shining for 5 billion years! Wow!"

"Wow! Saturn:  There is possibly more than 30 moons."

"The Big Dipper!"

"In 1608 Hans Lippershey made the first telescope with lenses in Holland. Wow!"

"A UFO is an alien ship."

"When you see the city lights at night they look like stars."

"When we spy Orion the Hunter in the sky we know it is the season to harvest. Wow!"

"Yellow stars are in between blue and red. Wow!"

"We could not live without the sun. Earth would be dark and cold without the sun. Cool!"
What fact did your inner voice react to?

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