Tuesday, December 2, 2014

November Learning Mural

It's that time, again! It seems like we were just working on our October mural, and now November is already over.

There was not a shortage of ideas...in fact, Room 408 was wondering how we would fit all our learning on such a small mural (the mural stretches along our timeline and we didn't have as many days of school in November, so it wasn't as long as other months).

Here is the finished product:

Today we used our sunrise/sunset app to research how many hours of daylight we have had each month since school started. Then we graphed our data.

We were surprised to find out that the amount of daylight has been getting less and less each month.
Jill made a connection and was able to teach the class how our earth is not getting as much direct light at this time of year.

We wonder what January will be like!

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