Monday, March 11, 2019

Organizing for our Animal Inquiry

Our classroom library is a big consideration as we prepare for the serious research we do during our animal inquiry.  Right now we have about eight tubs of "animals and habitats" books, plus various animal books mixed in with our "just right" leveled book baskets.
In order to easily find the books we need without wasting time searching, we needed to reorganize our classroom library.  During our Morning Meeting we discussed the various ways we could organize our animal books.  Then we took a class vote:

We decided to sort them based on the first letter of the animal--then if we wanted to find a book on giraffes, we would look in the 'G' basket.  To get ready, we had to find all the animal books!  We had quite a big pile as we pulled as many animal books as we could find!

Next, we passed our books out around the room based on the first letter.  We had to problem solve along the if a book was about a caterpillar or a puppy (baby animal), we decided to put it in the tub that would match the beginning letter of the adult animal--caterpillar would go in the 'B' animal basket for 'butterfly' or 'I' basket for 'insect', and the puppy would go in with the 'D' animal basket for 'dog'.  We also realized that we had a lot of books that were all mixed animals...we sorted those by habitat or put them in a 'mixed-up animals' basket.
We realized that when we collaborated, the immense job got done so much more quickly!

Then, we had to label each basket. We either worked alone or in pairs to make labels for the book baskets.

Such hard workers!

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