Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Our First Experiment

When we discussed our Hopes & Dreams for first grade, so many kids in Room 408 hoped and dreamed to do science.  In the morning when they found out we would be doing an experiment, some got out clipboards and started hunting for clues.

They soon found several materials that we don't usually keep in the classroom and guessed that these would be used for our experiment.  They discovered whole milk and dish soap on the floor behind my desk.

Add a little food coloring, and you've got a cool experiment!
We started by recording the experiment ingredients and materials in our Think Books, just in case we wanted to do the experiment again.  We also recorded our predictions of what we thought would happen ...

 Then we got our experiment ready.  We each got clear cups filled with milk and chose four drops of food coloring for our experiment.  On the count of three we used a toothpick to drop in a little bit of dish soap.  Then we watched, marveled, and wondered. 

Check out our video to see our experiment in action!

Why do you think the colors swirled so much after we dropped in the dish soap?

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