Thursday, May 31, 2018

Geometry Math Games

We're working on geometry in our math workshop.
We're playing lots of games... math stations...

...and we played the game, SET. It's a great critical thinking game.

A set is a group of 3 cards that have four kinds of features:  color, number, shape, and shade.  In the group of 3 cards, if all have the same property of each feature or all have different properties of the feature, it is a set.  It is easy to tell if something isn't a set...if 2 are and 1 isn't, it's *not* a set.

Here are some sets:

 In this one, they all have the same shape, shade, and number and have all different colors.  It is a set.

In this one, they have all different numbers, all different shapes, all different colors, all different shades, and all different numbers.

Here are some more examples:

The bottom is not a set.  It has all the same color, number and all different shapes, but two are the same shade and one isn't.  If two are and one isn't, it's not a set.

Can you find a set?

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