Friday, September 20, 2019

Time Machine

We realize that even though we do our best to use words that are kind and encourage others, sometimes we still have problems.

We introduced a new tool to help us work through our problems.  It's called our Time Machine, and it's a way to rewind time and solve our problems in a more productive way.

When someone has a problem, we make sure we are willing to work on the problem.  If we're willing we stand at the ends of the mat.  Collin and Donovan offered to demonstrate:

Next, we step onto the mat and take a STAR breath (Stop, Take a breath, And Relax).

After that we wish each other well.

Next, we say, "1-2-3, Let's do it!"

One person tells the other person what s/he did that s/he didn't like, and asks them to stop. The other person does their best to understand the problem and help by saying, "Okay, I can do that."

Finally, we seal the deal with a high five, a handshake, or a hug.

If needed, the two switch places and do it again.

Using the time machine really diffuses our problems and makes it easier to work them out!

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